If you would like to exchange a link with us:
(Reciprocal Links listed on aomagnet.com & omagnet.com)
Your website MUST be industrial magnets related..
Place a reciprocal link on your website, using the information below:
A TEXT LINK: <A HREF="https://www.aomagnet.com/"><B>Permanent Magnets</B></A>:
Permanent Magnets Manufacturer & Supplier in China with ISO9001:2008 Certified Since 1996!
A GRAPHIC LINK: <A HREF="https://www.aomagnet.com/">
<IMG SRC="https://www.aomagnet.com/images/links_image/aomagnetlinks.jpg" BORDER="0" alt="aomagnet.com"></A>
Contact us ( aomagnet@hotmail.com ) with the following:
The location of our reciprocal link on your site, for verification, and
Title: URL: Description: Let us know if you have a small graphic you would like used.
Keep in mind that Order of Placement is generally by date of the link-exchange, though sites that place our link on an upper level page will have higher precedence, than those that bury reciprocal links in seldom-visited pages.